Our world has changed dramatically and online learning is more important than ever. As organizations develop and adapt their learning strategies to the virtual world, many are confused and overwhelmed about how learning technology can actually help them achieve their goals.
Traditionally, Learning & Development delivered results by using employee education to solve business problems. But today’s business models demand different business goals. What happens if you aren’t educating employees anymore? What if you’re educating channel partners, or customers, or association members? What if you need to pivot your entire learning program strategy due to circumstances outside of your control?
In this on-demand webinar, BenchPrep’s Amanda Wynne, VP of Marketing, and Beatrice Conley, Enterprise Solutions Manager, discuss the evolving learning landscape and how learning technology is the secret sauce that can help you achieve your business goals.
Amanda Wynne is the VP of Marketing for BenchPrep, who brings passion and enthusiasm to building demand gen engines and high performing teams. She has over 20 years of experience overseeing companies' marketing strategy, building out globalization efforts, defining marketing tech stacks for optimal performance, as well as multiple mergers and acquisitions under her belt- all while leading great teams to deliver differentiated brand experiences that grow market share and build customer loyalty. She's worked on some of the biggest and most innovative brands including Nokia, NAVTEQ, Seismic, KitchenAide, Bayer Healthcare, Kraft, Nestle, to name a few.
Beatrice Conley is an Enterprise Solutions Manager on BenchPrep's Enterprise Sales team. Beatrice has helped leading associations and training organizations strategize and strengthen their online learning programs for their members and learners. Beatrice brings a wealth of knowledge and unique perspective from working with and through the ups and downs of the eLearning initiatives from for-profit training companies and non-profit associations across industries.