
The professional learning market is experiencing increased demand, offering associations and credentialing organizations tremendous opportunities. Professionals seeking certification rely on these organizations for exam preparation and training. However, many organizations hesitate to provide this support due to accreditation concerns requiring a firewall between education and certification. The common objection is, "We can't do that."

We're here to tell you that you can provide learning resources while adhering to accreditation standards. In this session, we'll show you how.

Watch this 30-minute fireside chat, as we demonstrate how offering exam prep solutions can enhance the learner experience and create new revenue streams, all while preserving exam integrity and meeting accreditation requirements.

BenchPrep’s CEO, Ashish Rangnekar and Learning Consultant, Laureen Kaczmarek, explore practical strategies and best practices for developing and delivering learning and exam prep products while maintaining accreditation standards and integrity.

In this session, you will:

  • Understand the significance of upholding exam integrity and complying with accreditation requirements
  • Uncover the value in offering learning and exam prep products to enhance both the learner experience and organizational growth.
  • Discover strategies for navigating accreditation standards and offering learning materials like exam preparation or certification training resources

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The professional learning market is experiencing increased demand, offering associations and credentialing organizations tremendous opportunities. Professionals seeking certification rely on these organizations for exam preparation and training. However, many organizations hesitate to provide this support due to accreditation concerns requiring a firewall between education and certification. The common objection is, "We can't do that."

We're here to tell you that you can provide learning resources while adhering to accreditation standards. In this session, we'll show you how.

Watch this 30-minute fireside chat, as we demonstrate how offering exam prep solutions can enhance the learner experience and create new revenue streams, all while preserving exam integrity and meeting accreditation requirements.

BenchPrep’s CEO, Ashish Rangnekar and Learning Consultant, Laureen Kaczmarek, explore practical strategies and best practices for developing and delivering learning and exam prep products while maintaining accreditation standards and integrity.

In this session, you will:

  • Understand the significance of upholding exam integrity and complying with accreditation requirements
  • Uncover the value in offering learning and exam prep products to enhance both the learner experience and organizational growth.
  • Discover strategies for navigating accreditation standards and offering learning materials like exam preparation or certification training resources